Connect with your audience

You’ve set up your social platforms, linked your website, written an awesome bio and loaded up your profile and banner images, now it’s time to post!… mind blank? Here’s some great ideas on creating posting to connect with your audience on social media.

Engaging content ideas

Are you struggling to show up online? Too busy, or don’t know what to post about?

Strategic themed approach

Start with a strategic, themed approach to your social media posts. This helps people visiting your page to see a true reflection of your business but in a social context. Picking (and sticking to) a series of themed ideas or ‘pillars’ not only helps potential customers learn more about your business, but it also makes your life a whole lot easier - saving you time and effort when you need to think about posting ideas. It also helps you to work out which areas are performing the best when you look at your results ie which posts are your audience engaging or responding to the most?

Consistency is key

Think of your social media posts like the sides on your dinner plate - the protein is your website, Facebook, Instagram (and others) are your vegetables. Now, you are unlikely to eat seaweed salad with classic roast beef and gravy right? Likewise, your social platforms should show a consistent connection to your website - we’re talking about things like style of language, brand elements, colours and imagery etc. All of these features help to create an emotional connection with people and that often results in people making an enquiry and (hopefully) a purchase.

Social media posting ideas

Our top 5 social media tips

These are our top 5 themes which can work for any type of business. If you are hungry for more ideas (with useable examples!), download the guide as a handy reference to get your social media posting sorted.

1. Your expertise

Whether you sell products or services, make a plan to post specifically about what you offer your customers.

2. Case studies

People want proof that you can in fact do what you say, so show them by posting examples of your previous work, or feature a recent sale.

3. Testimonials

Kiwi’s are notoriously bad at singing our own praises, so let your happy customers do it for you! Post kind words or reviews from previous customers to your social channels.

4. Behind the Scenes

Show a sneak peek into behind the scenes of what your workplace does. People LOVE seeing something they wouldn’t usually be party to, it makes them feel special and creates interest and engagement.

5. Ask questions

People enjoy giving their opinion, so post interactive content which allows your audience to engage directly with you. Ask direct about what they love or even their pain points, in relation to your offer, is a great way to encourage direct communication! This is also a great way to learn more about potential customers, their wants and needs and how you can refine your communication with them and possibly even improve your offer too!

These are a great start, but if you want more - we get it! You’re in luck. We’ve made a handy guide for you to download with even more ideas and examples you can use right now to motivate and up your social media posting game.

So, in Conclusion…

Having a great content list seriously helps with creating engaging posting content..not to mention saving time and getting the creative juices flowing when we get into a funk! We’ve all been there!

To continue the flow, we have built on the Top 5 list above in a handy downloadable “Posting Ideas for FB & IG” guide.

And, if you love this (which we know you will!), you will also love our FREE downloadable Mastering Social Media Calendar Template!


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Retention activities: Essential or optional?